Degrees & Requirements

The chemistry department at Emory & Henry offers two main degree tracks: the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science.  

The Bachelor of Arts is intended for students interested in pursing a professional degree in the health professions while the Bachelor of Science degree prepares students for advanced study in chemistry.  Either tract will prepare students for entering the chemical workforce.

  • Chemistry-Core Courses

    CHEM 111 General Chemistry I
    CHEM 111L General Chemistry Lab
    CHEM 112 General Chemistry II
    CHEM 112L General Chemistry II Lab
    CHEM 211 Organic Chemistry I
    CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry II
    CHEM 351 Junior Seminar
    Total 17

  • Chemistry (B.A.)

    Chemistry Core (17)
    Five courses from: (15-19)
    CHEM 221 Analytical Chemistry (4)
    CHEM 230 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry (3)
    CHEM 240 Introduction to Biochemistry (3)
    CHEM 312 Physical Chemistry I (3)
    CHEM 313 Physical Chemistry II (3)
    CHEM 320 Materials Science (3)
    CHEM 330 Advanced Lab (4)
    CHEM 350 Special Topics in Chemistry (3-4)
    CHEM 422 Instrumental Analysis (3)
    CHEM 430X Biochemistry (4)
    CHEM 433 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3)
    CHEM 450 Senior Seminar (1) 
    Total 33-37
    Additional Requirements
    MATH 151 Calculus I (4) 
    MATH 152 or Calculus II (4) 
    STAT 161 Introduction to Statistics (4)

  • Chemistry (B.S.)

    CHEM 221 Analytical Chemistry 4
    CHEM 230 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry 3
    CHEM 240 Introduction to Biochemistry 3
    CHEM 312 Physical Chemistry I 3
    CHEM 313 Physical Chemistry II 3
    CHEM 330 Advanced Lab 4
    CHEM 450 Senior Seminar 1
    CHEM 460 or Independent Study (1-4)
    CHEM 490 Honors Thesis (3)
    Two courses from: (6-8) 
    CHEM 320 Materials Science (3)
    CHEM 350 Special Topics in Chemistry (3-4)
    CHEM 422 Instrumental Analysis (3)
    CHEM 430X Biochemistry (4)
    CHEM 433 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3)
    Contextual and Support Requirements
    MATH 151 Calculus I (4) 
    MATH 152 Calculus II (4) 
    MATH 253 or Calculus III (4) 
    STAT 161 Introduction to Statistics (4)
    PHYS 201 General Physics I (4) 
    PHYS 202 General Physics II (4)

  • Chemistry-Applied Health Sciences (B.A.)

    Chemistry Core (17)
    CHEM 312 Physical Chemistry I (3) 
    Courses taken at a recognized school of pharmacy in consultation with the Department of Chemistry. (16)
    Contextual and Support Requirements
    MATH 151 Calculus I (4) 
    MATH 152 Calculus II (4) 
    STAT 161 Introduction to Statistics (4) 
    PHYS 201 General Physics I (4) 
    PHYS 202 General Physics II (4) 
    Courses required for admission to a school of pharmacy
    BIOL 117 General Biology (4) 
    BIOL 201 Organismal Biology (4) 
    BIOL 332 Microbiology and Immunology (4) 
    BIOL 425 General Physiology (4) 
    BIOL 430 Biochemistry (4)

  • Chemistry-Teacher Preparation (B.A. or B.S.)

    Departmental Requirements:
    Except for the senior project and the support courses, teacher preparation students should complete the above requirements for the B.S. or the B.A. degree. Satisfactory performance on departmental assessment exams is also required. The B.A. degree must include Chemistry 312, Chemistry 330, and all prerequisites.

    Licensure Requirements: 
    EDUC 114 Introduction to Education (1) 
    EDUC 115 Early Field Experience (.5) 
    EDUC 115 Early Field Experience (.5) 
    EDUC 305 Human Growth and Development (3) 
    EDUC 320 Technology and Instructional Design (3) 
    EDUC 370 Survey of Exceptional Children (3) 
    EDUC 440 Seminar: Teaching in Secondary School (2) 
    EDUC 441 Supervised Teaching in Secondary School (10) 
    EDUC 445 Foundations of Education (3) 
    EDUC 449 Reading, Writing, and Instruction in Content Areas (3) 
    EDUC 450 Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary School (3) 
    One course from: (3) 
    HIST 111 American History to 1861*
    HIST 112 American History 1861-present*
    PHYS 201 General Physics I** (4) 
    EDUC 401 Practicum in Education (2) 
    One course from: (3) 
    HHP 231 Personal Health
    HHP 232 School and Community Health
    HHP 251 Safety Education
    *Met as Modes of Inquiry Core Requirements.
    **Prerequisite for CHEM 312

  • Minor in Chemistry

    A student may minor in chemistry by completing Chemistry 111, 111L, 112, 112L, and four courses chosen from Chemistry 211, 212, 211, 212, 221, 230, 240, 312, 313, 330, 430X, and 433.

This information is effective using the most recent Academic Catalog for more detailed course descriptions you can view the Academic Catalog here.