F$NCAP Financial Capability

Your Journey to Financial Freedom

Start your journey to financial freedom on the Moodle page. F$NCAP Moodle page

💸Get on board to increase financial capability. The new program is designed to help students on their journey to financial freedom. The program is web-based and also includes Lyceum events. Students should also sign up for a free passport to track their progress.

Completion of the program achieves F$NCAP certification!

Attend informative events to learn more about achieving financial freedom and start the program on Moodle!

F$NCAP was made possible by a generous grant from the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). Working with the Appalachian College Association (ACA), NEFE and the ACA have provided the financial and institutional support necessary to launch this financial capability program at Emory & Henry.

Committee Chairs:

Committee Members: