Alumni & Careers

A wide range of jobs await the history major. Consider being an advertising executive, analyst, archivist, broadcaster, campaign worker, consultant, congressional aide, editor, foreign service officer, foundation staffer, information specialist, intelligence agent, journalist, legal assistant, lobbyist, personnel manager, public relations staffer, researcher, or a teacher—to name a few.

Alumni Spotlight
  • Zachary Woods Dresser,’05, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech; M.Div., Yale University, 2008; Ph.D. , history, Rice University, 2013.
  • Brooklyn Sawyer, ’02, attorney, Federal District Attorney’s office, Nashville, Tenn.; J.D., University of Tennessee Law School; M.A., history, East Tennessee State University.
  • Morgan Griffith, ’80, attorney, majority leader of the Virginia Senate. J.D., Washington & Lee.
  • Kenneth Noe, ’79, Draughon Professor of History, Auburn University; Ph.D., University of Illinois, and author of three scholarly monographs about the Civil War.
  • Wally Owen, ’78, formerly with National Archives, now public history consultant with his own agency.
  • Charles W. Sydnor, ’63, former president and director of majorand corporate gifts, Emory & Henry; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University; author of Soldiers of Destruction. Winner of James Harvey Robinson Award for European History.
  • Chris Kolakowski, ’99, director of the Perryville battlesite in Kentucky, one of the most frequently visited Civil War sites.
  • Sharon Wiley, ’95, pastor, State Street United Methodist Church, Bristol,Va.; M.Div., Chandler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.
  • Paige Newman, ’91, archivist, Virginia Historical Society. M.S. in library science, Catholic University of America. She helped process and catalog the letters of the R.E. Lee Family that were secreted in an Arlington bank vault.