Campus Police and Safety officers are duly authorized law enforcement officers of the Commonwealth of Virginia and are University employees who report to the vice president of student affairs.

Campus Police and Safety officers have jurisdiction on the main campus, on all university property owned or leased, and on public streets and roads. The major responsibility of the police and safety officers is to give attention to any situation that might involve the safety and welfare of students and University employees.

Download the AlertAware App

  1. Download AlertAware for free from the Google Play or the Apple App Store.
  2. Sign in with your Emory & Henry Gmail account and enable notifications.
  3. Enter your phone number in the user settings to receive text SMS alerts.
  4. Enjoy the additional peace of mind.

With the AlertAware App you can:

  • Request help in an emergency
  • Share info with Campus Safety
  • Access to important campus resources
  • E&H Snow Closings & Delays
  • Emergency Alerts