Enhancing the Intermont Equestrian Program

Equestrian Center rendering In 2014, Emory & Henry College proudly adopted the esteemed Virginia Intermont Equestrian Program. As a result of its international renown, the program has contributed significant to recent enrollment success. Currently, more than 140 students are simultaneously enrolled in equestrian competition and equine studies curricula (B.A. and B.S. in equine studies and B.A. in equine assisted therapy). Demand continues to grow with new students added each fall term.

The Intermont Equestrian Program at Emory & Henry’s places a strong emphasis on the mechanism of the horse, along with a stand-out commitment to traditional horsemanship and the workings of rider position. Our alumni have gone on to work in virtually every part of the horse industry, from veterinarians and coaches to barn managers and equine-assisted counselors. The program’s unique design and vast alumni network enables it to open many new doors for students to discover parts of the industry with which they are not familiar.

To ensure further success, the Intermont Equestrian Program at Emory & Henry is committed to building a new facility that will be unmatched across the region.

Equestrian Center Rendering

Among the key components of the new equestrian center are the following:

  • State-of-the-art stabling with 12x12 matted stalls to accommodate up to 100 horses.
  • The Bill Gatton Grand Arena in the center, named through a generous $2 million gift from the Bill Gatton Foundation.
  • An outdoor, all-weather arena.
  • Collaborative learning spaces.

This exciting new facility will not only further the aspirations of the University’s student-equestrians. It will also have a significant affect upon the wider region. Synergy Sports Global estimates that the equestrian center will have an annual economic impact of $5 million, which includes 10,000 to 12,000 regional hotel room nights.

Emory & Henry invites you to share in this vision through your philanthropic support as together we deepen the Intermont Equestrian Program’s culture of championship and embrace its full potential as a nationally-recognized program.

For additional information about fundraising for the new equestrian center, contact Vice President for Advancement Rob Parker at rjparker@emoryhenry.edu or Associate Vice President for Advancement Shannon Earl at scearle@emoryhenry.edu

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