In-Course Admissions

Honors scholars study in front of the library on campus

Get ready for the challenge…

Students have the opportunity to apply and interview for the Honors Program in the second semester of their Freshmen year; accepted students become In-Course Admits (ICA) and enjoy all the opportunities and advantages of students who were admitted into the program as high school seniors. After initially selecting the incoming class of first-year Honors Scholars, we purposefully reserve 6 to 8 slots for those students who do exceptionally well their first semester at Emory & Henry. Current First Years at Emory & Henry who meet the criteria below are invited to apply and receive the many benefits of the Honors Program. Check out our “Benefits” page for details!

Criteria For In-Course Admits

  • First semester GPA of 3.6 or higher
  • Nominated by a faculty member
  • Must be enrolled in at least 13 academic credits in the first semester (excluding remedial courses)

If you would like to be apply for in-course admission, please email us at