Social Media Policy

The E&H Library maintains a public image across multiple social media platforms for the purpose of communicating and engaging with the University and local community. Information that the Library shares across these platforms include general news and information about the Library and its services as well as other library-related content. Because posting and sharing information to/on the Library’s account pages is available to the general public, this policy guides the Library’s response when dealing with cases wherein inappropriate actions or behavior occur.

Emory & Henry University Communications Policy

The Office of Marketing & Communications directs the use of social media across all departments at Emory & Henry University. While the Library’s Social Media Policy applies only to content being created and shared by the Library, the Library still operates under the guidelines and standards laid out in the University Communications Policy and will respond to any issues of misconduct accordingly.

Code of Conduct

Posts, comments, and/or any other form of online engagement with the Library’s profiles and account pages must abide by the guidelines provided within this policy. Failure to abide by this code of conduct will result in posts/comments being removed and potential action taken. While this list is not exhaustive, the following are examples of content and behavior that is unacceptable on the Library’s social media pages:

  • Hate speech, abuse, and/or defamatory remarks
  • Posts, comments, or any other content that promotes the discrimination of individual(s) based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, status, and/or ability.
  • Promotion of illegal activities
  • Remarks that are threatening or violent in nature
  • Personally identifiable information
    Infringements on intellectual property rights, including copyright/trademark
  • Content unrelated to the E&H Library and the services and resources it provides
  • Spam

Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct will result in the immediate removal of all inappropriate content. The Office of Marketing & Communications and the Director of the Library will be notified and provided with a statement explaining the offense and actions taken and will take any additional steps where they deem appropriate.


The Library’s social media presence operates under the “Two Strikes and You’re Out” policy found in the University Communications Policy. The first instance of violating the Code of Conduct will result in the immediate removal of inappropriate content after which the offender will be notified via written warning. This warning will explain why the content was removed and that if any future offenses occur they will be blocked from interacting on the Library’s accounts.

If there are circumstances wherein a user believes that a post/comment/interaction that has been flagged and removed for violating the Code of Conduct was wrongfully removed, or if their account has been blocked, they should contact the Director of the Library. The Library will work alongside the Office of Marketing & Communications Director to review each case and determine appropriate procedures.


Posts and comments made by social media users on the Library’s social media pages do not reflect the views of the E&H Library or its employees. While the Library Staff works to ensure that there is no inappropriate behavior occurring on the Library’s social media, users should also use their own discretion when determining the accuracy and quality of other user comments. Furthermore, any comments made by patrons on a social media site are subject to that particular site’s policies and code of conduct.

Related Policies

Library Privacy Policy

Library Copyright Policy