Apogee ResNet WiFi Connection

Account Creation:

Go to emoryhenry.apogee.us to reach the portal on your laptop or desktop computer. Save the link for faster access. Enter your university student credentials to log onto the portal.

If your device does not have any connectivity: Go to your wireless settings and connect to “MyResNet Start Here”. This will automatically take you to the online portal emoryhenry.apogee.us where you can sign in with your school credentials.

Apogee ResNet screenshot

E&H Portal login screenshot

  1. Click “Sign in” and enter your university .edu credentials and create account.
  2. From the popup alert, copy your personalized Wi-Fi passkey. You will use this Wi-Fi password to connect your devices to the network.
    Apogee ResNet my devices screenshot
  3. Note: You can log back into the portal and change your password at any time. Click on “Go to Your Wi-Fi Password” under Add Device Tab.

Connect to the Network:

  1. Navigate to the wireless settings on each device.
  2. Connect to “MyResNet-5G” (you can connect to MyResNet2G if your device is not 5G compatible).
    Connection screenshot
  3. Enter your Wi-Fi passkey when prompted to connect. Enable the “auto-join” feature.
    Connection screenshot
  4. If you connected originally via the “MyResNet Start Here” network, go to your Wi-Fi settings and choose to forget the “MyResNet Start Here” network.
    Connection screenshot

Helpful Tips:

  • MyResNet-5G: Connect to MyResnet-5G for the fastest Wi-Fi connection. This should be your default setting.
  • Laptop Drivers – Outdated drivers, specifically many Intel drivers, could be impacting your connection or speed. Update your driver to ensure optimal performance.
  • Wired – If you choose to use wired you must register your device with the Ethernet MAC address.
  • Wireless Printers - Wireless printers cause wireless interference. Apogee recommends wireless printers be added to your additional device list by MAC address in your portal or connected directly via USB printer cable. Once completed, be sure to turn off any wireless signal/radio broadcasting from your printer. 

Need some help?

If you need any help, a support representative is available 24 hours a day to assist you.