Lauren Naff to pursue a career in production
Our Emory & Henry seniors are preparing to graduate and change the world.
Lauren Naff, ’22, will graduate from Emory & Henry College with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts degree in Theater Design & Production with minors in Dance and Civic Innovation on May 7.
Naff, from Callaway, Va., will go on to pursue a career in production through the Disney College Program after working as an Assistant Program Coordinator at Camp Bethel in Fincastle, Virginia. “Emory & Henry gave me a concentrated and intentional education I truly believe I would not have gotten anywhere else,” Naff said. “The faculty of my department are highly involved supporters that consistently empower me and challenge me to advance in my professional and academic growth. I was never afraid to make mistakes since I knew I’d get to learn from them with the mentors around me. Emory & Henry allowed me to explore every and anything.”