WEHC Welcomes VAB Summer Intern

Posted by Ivy Sheppard

Brandon Cox is joining the WEHC team as a Virginia Association of Broadcasters summer intern.  This program provides radio and television stations across the commonwealth an opportunity to provide an aspiring broadcaster with an eight week, full-time, paid internship. In our previous years of experience, we’ve learned that the hands on experience that students get during this time cements their desire to pursue further education in the broadcast field.  

Of himself Brandon says, “I’m  a rising senior at Emory & Henry majoring in Media and Communications with a minor in Sports Management.  I’ve at WEHC for three years it has been an eye-opening experience. I’ve learned many skilled under Ivy & Leigh Anne, and have been able to pursue my passion in sports broadcasting, commentating on basketball and volleyball.  I’ve gotten lots of hands-on experience at WEHC including hosting my own radio show, programming, audio editing, and running the board.” 

I want to learn and explore radio outside of the box.  Summer is the best to soak up new skills and let my passion shine.   ~Brandon Cox ’25

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