George Christopher Argyros

Professor of Biology and Department Chair

I come to Emory & Henry by way of Boston, Massachusetts!

My research interests focus on small mammal & amphibian systematics and evolutionary biogeography, in particular, glacial relic communities of high altitude montane spruce-fir forests in the southern Appalachians, and coastal island populations of the northeastern United States and Canadian Maritimes. My more recent areas of interest and research include biology & ecology of vector borne diseases, evolution of antibiotic resistance in the gut flora of wild and feral mammals, and skeletal pathologies of mammals (osteoarthritis and healed-fractures).


  • Northeastern University, Boston, MA 
    Ph.D., Biology, 2005
    M.Sc., Biology/Zoology, 1997
  • Boston University, Boston, MA 
    B.A. Biology/Marine Science, 1991 


I have been teaching and working with undergraduate students for 29 years.

Here at Emory & Henry, I’m teaching General Biology, Organismal Biology, Human Anatomy, Integrated Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology, Vertebrate Zoology, Tropical Biology, and Biology and Ecology of Mammals.


My more recent areas of interest and research include biology & ecology of vector borne diseases, evolution of antibiotic resistance in the gut flora of wild and feral mammals, and skeletal pathologies of mammals (prevalence of osteoarthritis and healed-fractures).

Some of my past research in the area of southwest Virginia revolves around vertebrate community evolutionary biogeography of montane small mammals and salamanders.

My students and I have conducted small mammal and salamander surveys on montane “habitat islands” to investigate differences among mountaintop populations along the Appalachian chain, and historical post-glacial colonization and dispersal.

I would like to continue my coastal island work in southern New England (Block Island, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket), Maine (Mt. Dessert Island, Deer Island), and the Canadian Maritimes (Grand Manan Island, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island, and Prince Edward Island) during the summer and winter months.

Below are examples of some of my undergraduate students’ research projects.



Research Projects at Emory & Henry College 2014-Present:

Current Student Projects:

● Estimates of Small Mammal Diversity and Community Structure in Eastern Tennessee and Southwest Virginia: An Analysis Based on Owl Pellets (Tyto alba). (Fall 2022-Present).
Student-Rachel Ritter

● Prevalence of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis (TMJ-OA) in Wild Canidae. Spring 2023-Present). Student-Chelsi Jones

● Prevalence of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis (TMJ-OA) in Wild Bears (Ursus maritimus and U. arctos). Fall 2023-Present). Student-Samantha Pepevnik

Completed Student Projects:

● An Initial Assessment of Phylogeny and Historical Biogeography of Plethodontid Salamanders: A Mitochondrial Data Mining Approach using Cytochrome B. (2015-2016) Student-Keri Roberts

● Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Gut Flora (Enterobacteriaceae) in a Community of Stabled Horses (Equus caballus): Implications for Community Acquired Drug Resistance (2015-2016) Student-Anna M. Green

● Phylogeography of Montane Salamanders in Southwestern Virginia: A Mitochondrial Analysis (2015- 2017) Student-Erin M. Kirk

● Epithelial Body-Swabbing as a Non-Invasive Method for DNA Sampling in Salamanders (2015-2016) Student-Erin M. Kirk

● Impacts of Pesticides and Biosolids on Lumbricus terrestris (2016-2017) Student-Emily Welch

● Epithelial Mucosal Swabbing of Frogs (Ranidae) as an Indicator of Bovine Fecal Coliform Contamination of Aquatic Habitats in Southwest Virginia (2016-2017) Student-Brandon M. Gearhart *co-mentored w/Dr. Melissa P. Taverner

● Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Gut Flora of a Community of Domesticated Livestock in Southwest Virginia (2016-2018) Student-Casey Chaplin

● Taxonomic Status and Systematics of the Monomoy Island Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus ammodytes) (2016-2018) Student-Taylor F. Richardson

● Mitochondrial Biogeography of Montane Lepidoptera of the Shenandoah Valley and Whitetop Mountain, southwest Virginia (2016-2018) Student-Allison Singleton

● Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in Wild and Domesticated Horses (Equus caballus). (2017-2018) Student- Brittany Stiefel* (Marion High School/Pulaski Governor’s Academy Senior Research Project)

● The Effects of the Fermentative Digest of Medicago sativa (Alfalfa-Grass Hay) on Gas Production, pH Changes, and Bacterial Growth in Ruminant Capra hircus (Goats) (2017-2018). Student-Roberta Rodemann. E&H Honors Thesis, 58 pp. *Recipient of 2018 E&H Senior Research Award

● Taxonomic Status and Systematics of the Nantucket Island Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus fusus) (2016- 2019) Student-Taylor Blevins

● An Ecomorphological Ratio Model for Inferring Habitats in Extant and Extinct Testudines (2017-2019). Student-Benjamin Sexton

● Barn Owl Pellets as an Indicator of Small Mammal Community Structure in Eastern Tennessee:
A Composite Skeletal and Mitochondrial Analysis. 31 pp. (Honor’s Thesis Project 2016-2019) Student- Thomas Wolfe

● Prevalence of Skeletal Pathologies in Arboreal and Volant Sciurids (2017-2020) Student- Carly Gunnell

● Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) as Mechanical Vectors of Parasitic Protozoa (2017-2020). Student- Liberty Sheppard

● Fish as Environmental Indicators of Fecal Coliform Bacterial Contamination in Southwest Virginia. (Fall 2018-2020). Student-Ben Gallimore

● Antibiotic Resistance in the Enterobacteriaceae of Coastal and Mountainous Equus ferus Populations. (2020-2021). Student-Caroline French

● The Effects of Probiotic Yeast on the In Vitro Rumen. (2019-2021). Student-Alexandra Barbee

● Prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Freshwater Bivalves of Davenport Bay Columbia, N.C. (Spring 2020-Fall 2020). Student-MaKayla Rakes

● Farm to Table: Occurrence of Bacterial Pathogens on Raw Consumer Purchased Produce in Southwest Virginia. (Spring 2020-May 2022). Callie McMurray

● A Comparison of Stress-Associated Behaviors in Wild and Captive Animals: Does the Kind of Zoo Matter? (Spring 2020-Fall 2020). Student-Alison Inggs

● Geographic Variation of the Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis) in North Carolina: A Morphometric Analysis of Phenotypic Differences among Coastal and Inland Populations Using Image-J Analysis. (Fall 2019-May 2021). Student-Caroline French

● A Comparison of Dental Injuries in Gregarious and Solitary Carnivorous Mammals Relative to Long-term Survivability. (Spring 2020-May 2022). Student-Callee Cox

● Anurans as Environmental Indicators of Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens. (Fall 2019-Spr 2020). Student- Sarah Savona.

● Prevalence of Cross-Species Transmission of Antibiotic Resistant Fecal Coliform Bacteria Within a Stable Community of Horses, Flies, and Bats in Northeast Tennessee. (Summer 2021-May 2022). Student-Sarah Savona

● Methodologies to Assess Prevalence of Vector-borne Disease in Hard-Bodied Ticks: A Biogeographic Analysis of Pathogen, Vector, and Reservoir Hosts. 60 pp. (Honors Thesis Project 2017-2019). Student-Amanda Whitlow

● A Comparison of Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in Wild and Domesticated Horses (Equus caballus). (2017-2020) Student- Madison McKinsey (Honor’s Thesis Project)

● Estimates of Small Mammal Diversity and Community Structure in Eastern Tennessee and Southwest Virginia: An Analysis Based on Owl Pellets (Tyto alba). (Fall 2020-Spring 2022). Student-Tori Kestner

● A Comparison of Osteological Pathologies in Arboreal and Non-Arboreal Primates. (Spring 2020-Spring 2023). Student-Savannah Mynatt.

● A Comparison of the Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in Wild Horse Populations of the Outer Banks of Virginia and North Carolina. (Spring 2020-Spring 2023). Student-Holly Orfield

● Prevalence of Fecal Coliform Bacteria in the Skin Mucous of Minnows from Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee. (Spring 2022-Spring 2023). Student-Haley Jackson

● A comparison of Antibiotic Resistance Levels in Populations of Wild and Domesticated Horses (Equus ferus caballus) from Virginia, North Carolina, and North Dakota. (Spring 2021-May 2024). Student-Sarah Walters (Honors Thesis)● Antibiotic Resistance of Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Manure and Runoff in the Holston Watershed, Southwest Virginia. (Spring 2022-May 2024).
Student-Jordan Leatherman.

Browse additional research on ResearchGate.

Contact Info

330c McGlothlin-Street Hall
P.O. Box 947
Emory, Virginia 24327



McGlothlin-Street Hall