University Communications Policy
The communications policy is a set of graphic, editorial, and procedural standards for the University’s recruitment, advancement and marketing efforts. Authorized by the University president and Executive Council, the policy was developed to ensure the quality and consistency of the University’s efforts to market its programs.
The Rationale Behind the Communications Policy
The success of each part of the University contributes to the reputation of the whole institution, and the reputation of the University affects the success and reputation of each department or office. It is in everyone’s best interest that our promotional efforts across campus present a consistent, high-quality image. This policy will help to create an accurate perception of the exciting realities that exist here.
The Directive of the Trustees
The Emory & Henry University Board of Trustees has determined that the name “Emory & Henry University,” the words Emory & Henry used in the context of the University, the abbreviation E&H, the University seal, institutional logos, the University athletics logo and other authorized University symbols shall not be used for an official or quasi-official, noncommercial promotional purpose by any group or organization for any activity on or off campus without the approval of the Board of Trustees. The trustees delegate to the Marketing and Communications Office the authority to make these approvals and to establish the appropriate guidelines and procedures to support this policy.
Simply Put
The communications policy ensures that all the University’s print and electronic publications and advertising share a common look. This means that all pieces use a common typeface(s), treat the University word mark and supporting logos similarly, and use text and design elements in a similar manner. This does not mean that all pieces are identical, only that they share visual elements that identify them as coming from Emory & Henry University.
The communications policy also requires a common editorial style. As an institution of higher learning, we have a responsibility to use language correctly and consistently and to use it well. All University publications and advertising will adhere to The Associated Press (AP) Style Manual and the University communications policy.
This communications policy applies to everyone; adherence is expected and required of all departments and offices.
The communications policy applies to all external communications. The University’s external audience is anyone other than current faculty, staff and enrolled students. This includes members of the community who attend events and functions of the University, on and off campus, alumni, prospective and current donors, prospective students, parents of prospective or enrolled students, any community members or organizations cosponsoring or working in conjunction with Emory & Henry on projects or events, anyone invited to attend workshops, lectures, forums held on campus or sponsored by the University and held off-campus.
The types of media included in this policy are publications (posters, flyers, brochures, booklets, programs, etc.), news releases, advertisements, promotional items, signage for any University event whether on-campus or off, e-mail newsletters, and the website.
All communications directed to an external audience must be approved by the designated person(s) in the MarComm Office. Questions about these guidelines should be directed to Jennifer Pearce, Vice President for External Affairs at