Clinical Policies

Clinical Requirements for Attendance and Participation

Students will participate in clinical experiences in the BSN program. Prior to enrollment in the first clinical course and annually, students must submit documentation proof of health status and the following immunizations provided by a physician or nurse practitioner. All documentation must be valid for the clinical for the semester or academic year. The following immunization records are mandatory and will be submitted to the credentialing vendor:

  • Negative TB test or, if positive, a negative chest X-ray is required
  • Two MMR immunizations or proof of immunity
  • Chicken pox titer or history of disease
  • Tdap immunization within the past 10 years
  • Hepatitis B vaccine or acceptable titer level or signed waiver
  • Annual Influenza (Flu) vaccination
  • Covid-19 vaccinations
  • Other requirements specified by clinical agencies, if applicable

Documentation of current immunizations and other clinical health requirements must be submitted prior to the clinical experience. If submission is not complete, the student will not be allowed to attend clinical, resulting in an unexcused absence requiring clinical make-up hours. Two clinical failures will result in dismissal from the nursing program.

Clinical Behavior and Absences

  1. Students are expected to dress appropriately (see Dress Code section) and arrive on time to the clinical unit. Students are to remain in their designated clinical unit for the duration of their clinical day unless permission or re-assignment is given by the supervising clinical faculty or preceptor.
  2. Use of cell phones or other electronic devices is prohibited in clinical units. In cases of emergency, the student may ask permission to have their phone with their belongings to be kept in a designated area or have contact made with the instructor or preceptor with their permission.
  3. Students may NOT use tobacco, tobacco products (to include vaping), alcohol, illegal drugs, or misuse any legal, prescription medications while engaged in any educational and clinical experiences as a representative of Emory & Henry University. Violation of this may result in suspension or expulsion from the nursing program.
  4. It is the policy of Emory & Henry University School of Nursing to maintain a safe and healthy environment for its students and employees. Emory & Henry University prohibits being under the influence of, or unlawful use, manufacture, possession, distribution or dispensing of drugs, “controlled substances” as defined in the Controlled Substance Act, 21, U.S.C 812: Section 812 and alcohol on university property or during university activities. Violation of this policy is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including permanent dismissal of a student. See SON Student Drug & Alcohol Policy under Policies and Procedures for Infection Control/Prevention and Exposure Response (pg. 48).
  5. Students with symptomatic illnesses, (i.e., nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, elevated temperatures, skin rash, or drainage from eyes, to name a few), on the day of clinical should consult with the clinical instructor and/or preceptor PRIOR to clinical experience to ascertain eligibility to provide patient care.
  6. In the instance of arriving at the clinical unit with symptoms of illness, the student may be dismissed by the clinical instructor or preceptor. Students may be asked for clinical clearance provided by a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner to return to clinical.
  7. Absence from clinical is highly discouraged and detrimental to successfully meeting the clinical requirements and course objectives. Students are encouraged to avoid scheduling appointments during clinical or course meetings.
  8. Absenteeism should be for personal illness or extreme emergencies. The student will be responsible for:
    1. Necessitating any make-up work at the discretion of the clinical faculty or preceptor to ensure course objectives have been met, OR
    2. If extreme mitigating circumstances occur, the student will be given an “Incomplete” for the clinical, OR
    3. The student may be required to repeat the entire course, didactic and clinical, if course objectives cannot be met and this will result in a failing grade. A failing clinical grade results in a failing course grade.
  9. Students will be responsible for personal transportation to all assigned clinical experiences.
  10. Emory & Henry University School of Nursing and clinical agencies utilized by the school will not be liable for any injuries incurred traveling to and from clinical experiences, while at the clinical site, or for any illness diagnosed and treated while at the clinical site.
  11. All personal property of the student is their responsibility. Emory & Henry University School of Nursing and clinical agencies utilized by the school will not be liable for any damage or loss to such items.
  12. In case of inclement weather, students will be notified of any changes or cancellations via the campus alert app and the clinical faculty in the manner designated in the course syllabi. Students are asked to use good judgement for their safety in traveling to clinical sites. If absence needs to occur, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the clinical faculty at least 30 minutes PRIOR to the designated clinical time.
  13. Students are required to adhere to the dress code guidelines for professional attire and image. At their discretion, clinical faculty and/or preceptor may dismiss the student from clinical that day for failure to comply with the dress code. This will result in an unexcused absence, no ability for make-up, and a grade of zero (0) for any assignments that day.
  14. Students commonly are employed during school for financial needs. Faculty request students to not work past 11:00 p.m. the night prior to a clinical day to ensure proper rest is obtained and students can function at their optimal level. If a student presents to clinical fatigued and drowsy, clinical faculty and/or preceptor are required to use their discretion and may dismiss the student from clinical that day. This will result in an unexcused absence, no ability for make-up, and a grade of zero (0) for any assignments that day.
  15. Tardiness for clinical is unacceptable behavior and the student may be sent home, unless notification to the clinical faculty was made in advance with clinical faculty approval. At their discretion, faculty has the option of offering a make-up day at their convenience. Otherwise, tardiness will result in an unexcused absence and a grade of zero (0) for any assignments for that day.

Dress Code for Clinical Experiences, including Lab and Simulation

Attire for clinical experiences:

  1. Emory & Henry University students will wear navy uniform scrub pants and tops with the E&H monogram. The scrub tops and pants must be sized appropriately, wrinkle-free, clean and in good condition at all times. The top should not expose the abdomen when arms are raised above the head. Pants should be worn at the natural waist and underwear should not be visible. “Jogger” style scrub pants are not allowed for clinical experiences. Female students MUST wear a bra.
  2. Lab coat or scrub jacket may be required.
  3. Black, non-permeable leather shoes with a closed toe and closed heel are required. No sandals or clogs are to be worn. Shoes are to be clean, appropriately sized, and in good repair at all times.
  4. For on-campus skills and simulation lab sessions, alternative footwear consistent with clean, professional, closed-toed, rubber-soled shoes can be worn. The footwear cannot be glittered, sequenced, or brightly patterned.
  5. Black socks/hose are to be worn and should be the same color as the shoes. The length of the socks/hose should be sufficient to not expose the leg when seated.
  6. Identification badges are to be worn at all times. Some clinical agencies may require facility specific ID badges. Students and clinical faculty will abide by the facility requirements.
  7. Clinical units may allow business casual attire. This will include wearing dress slacks, appropriate top/shirt, closed toe/heel shoes (not heels), and socks/hose. Skirts and dresses may be worn with the hem being at the knee or below. Students should wear modest tops which do not show cleavage, emphasize the chest, or are tight and form fitting.
  8. The following attire is PROHIBITED for any clinical experience: Jeans (denim or colored), shorts, tank or spaghetti strap tops, flip-flops, or sandals.
  9. Clinical agencies may have additional attire requirements.

Personal Hygiene/Jewelry

  1. Students should present to clinical showered/bathed.
  2. Hair should be clean, dry, and groomed neatly. For individuals with long hair – hair should be pulled up off the collar.
  3. Facial hair should be clean-shaven or neatly groomed at all times.
  4. Make-up may be worn conservatively to be consistent with a professional image.
  5. Nails should be clean and trimmed. Clear nail polish only may be worn. Artificial nails of any kind are NOT permitted.
  6. Jewelry is restricted to engagement/wedding rings, stud pierced earrings, and a watch with a second hand. PROHIBITED jewelry: dangling or hoop earrings, body piercings of ANY kind, necklaces or chains, and bracelets. Students with ear gauges need to have skin tone colored plugs in place.
  7. Tattoos and/or body art should not be visible at any time and should be covered by clothing.
  8. Clinical agencies may have additional requirements.

Clinical Policy Violation

Adherence to the clinical behavior and dress code guidelines is MANDATORY. Failure to comply with the guidelines will result in being dismissed from the clinical site resulting in an unexcused absence with no make-up clinical given. A grade of zero (0) will be given for the clinical day. Repeated offense to these guidelines can result in a course/clinical failure and/or dismissal from the nursing program.