The Lyceum Program is an Emory & Henry academic requirement for graduation.
Appropriate Behavior
You must behave respectfully during any Lyceum you attend. You are expected to be seated no less than five minutes before an event is scheduled to begin. Any faculty or staff member may dismiss you from a Lyceum event for any behavior that distracts you or others from full participation in the event, including sleeping, talking, reading, doing homework, texting, and generally any form of rude behavior.
If you seek credit for an Artalk, you are expected also to view the exhibit in the Art Gallery located on the second floor of the McGlothlin Center for the Arts to which the Artalk relates.
Documenting Attendance
If you arrive at an event late or leave early, you will not receive credit for attendance. In the case of Barter plays and Arts Array films that are Lyceum eligible, you must bring your event program or ticket to the Registrar’s Office to receive credit.
In-person Lyceums:
A QR code has been created for you to display at check-in tables, or on a PowerPoint slide at each Lyceum. Students will scan the code, and fill out the Google Form. The Google Form submissions are logged with a time stamp and submitted electronically to the Registrar’s Office.
Remote Lyceums:
Sponsors hosting remote Lyceums are required to use the EHC Lyceum Zoom account. Log-in information and instructions will be provided by the Registrar’s Office. This account has been purchased for this purpose and requires students to input all required fields for tracking. Students who attend an event that is not hosted by the EHC Lyceum Zoom account will not receive credit for their Lyceum.
No more than two credited events in any semester may be films and no more than two may be Barter plays. You may not receive more than one credit for multiple-performance events (e.g., a play), even if you attend several performances. The Literary Festival, Ampersand Day, and two-part Lyceums are exempt from the multiple-performance rule.
Need to check Lyceum Credit?
Students may check their current number of Lyceum credits by contacting the Office of the Registrar.
If you do not complete your Lyceum requirement before graduation, you will not be awarded a degree, even if you have met all other graduation requirements. You are exempt from any Lyceum obligation your final semester before graduation; but only if you have already completed your Lyceum obligation fully.
If you enter your final semester with a Lyceum deficit, you are advised to remedy it by attending as many Lyceums as needed during the first half of the final semester. Do not enter the final weeks before commencement with a Lyceum deficit.
Transfer Students
Your total Lyceum requirements is tied not to the number of credits you have transferred in; rather it is tied to the number of semesters you are enrolled here. If there is a reduction in the usual 35 Lyceum requirement in your care, it will be because you spend fewer than eight semesters as a full-time E&H undergraduate.
Your overall Lyceum requirement can be estimated using the following guideline: five Lyceums per semester for each E&H semester except the final one. Your specific requirement may be clarified at the time of your graduation audit.
Calculating the Requirement
As a student enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at Emory & Henry, you are required to register attendance at five Lyceum events per semester, exclusive of summer school. If you extend your academic program beyond four years, you are not required to attend more than 35 Lyceums.
If in a particular semester your enrollment falls below 12 credit hours (such that you are a part-time student) you are required to attend one event for each course in which you are enrolled that semester, up to five. If you are enrolled in student teaching, your Lyceum requirement is two events.
Academic Honesty
As attendance at Lyceums are an academic requirement, any attempt on the part of a student to present her or himself as having attended a Lyceum which she or he did not attend is viewed as a form of academic dishonesty and is dealt with accordingly. For example, submitting a ticket stub for a Barter play or an Arts Array film that one had not attended is a breach of the Honor Code and is subject to Judicial disposition. Random check may be conducted regarding attendance at such events.