Housing Placements
Returning Student & New Student Housing Placements
Emory & Henry is considered a residential campus because we require all students to live on-campus. This means that each year, students are required to participate in the housing selection process. The process for this looks different for returning students versus new students, so it is important to follow the instructions for these process.
For the 2023-2024 academic year, the following residential facilities will be available to returning students: Hillman Hall, Stuart Hall, Sullins Hall, Village Townhouse Apartments, Russell House, Carter House, Squire Henry House, Prillaman House, Weaver Hall, and all Off-Campus Houses.
- By February 10, 2023, students who are interested in living in a Themed Living Community will need to have their application submitted to their Themed Living Community Coordinator.
- By February 15, 2023, students who need housing accommodations will need to have their application(s) in with the Office of Disability Services.
- By March 4, 2023, students will complete a housing application and will be provided a lottery number afterwards.
On March 21, 2023, the housing placement portal will come available on myHub. Students will have the ability to view and select their housing option based on what is available. Housing options will only be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. During this process students will:
- Identify what building and room they would like to live in.
- If applicable, select their roommate and/or housemates. Once the student has selected their roommate and/or housemates, the roommate and/or housemates will receive an email confirming that they would like to live with the student. The roommate/housemates must confirm this information or they will not be assigned with the student.
- Sign-up for their meal plan option. All returning students will be eligible for either the 19 Meal Plan or 14 Meal plan. The 10 Meal plan will only be available for students who sign-up to live in the Village Townhouse Apartments or Off-Campus Houses.
Students will be eligible to be placed on a waitlist if they do not receive the housing option they preferred. This waitlist will be based on a first-come, first-serve basis. By August 1, 2023, the Office of Housing and Residence Life will not be making any changes for returning students until the second week of classes.
For the 2023-2024 academic year, the following residential facilities will be available for new students: Elm Hall, Hickory Hall, Wiley Jackson Hall, Squire Henry House, Carter House, Russell House, Prillaman House, and Weaver Hall. Transfer students have the ability to live in any of the houses available for returning students too.
By March 1, 2023, new students will able to submit their housing application via myHub. This application will collect personal information, living habits, housing preferences, roommate options, and meal plan options. All new students must complete a housing application and assignments will be based on Themed Living Community preferences and first-come, first-serve submissions.
- Note: Some Themed Living Communities require additional application materials that will be received by the various areas. The Office of Housing and Residence Life will notify students of this information if they designate interest in a specific Themed Living Community.
- By June 15, 2023, housing applications are due on myHub. Additionally, any housing accommodations will be due to the Office of Disability Services.
- By July 8, 2023, housing assignments and roommate pairings will be released.
Students will be eligible to be placed on a waitlist if they do not receive the housing option they preferred. This waitlist will be based on a first-come, first-serve basis. By August 1, 2023, the Office of Housing and Residence Life will not be making any changes for new students until the second week of classes.
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